23 July 2007

Great Feeling

I think one of the best feelings in the world is to know that what you do for a job is what you'd be doing anyway, even if you didn't get paid for it.

I know that there are a lot of people who don't like their jobs, and only do them ebcause they need money and a job affords them the ability to live, eat, provide, and get ready for the future. But if you find youself at a job where you actually say to youself, "I can't believe that I actually get paid to do this," then you're having a good day.

That's all I got.

19 July 2007


I've been waking up early to throw a baseball for 30-35 minutes in the mornings. It always feels good to start your day with something active. My arm hurts though. It feels kind of like my shoulder is boycotting the rest of my body. But it's okay, it is a good hurt.

I've also bee listening to a lot of Jonny Lang recently. He's good, makes good music. I recommend giving him a listen. Peace out.

11 July 2007


A recent aquaintance said something to me that I can’t stop thinking about.

“A place doens’t feel like home if you don’t have a place in somebody’s heart.”

This last week I was at a conference that was all about getting connected to one another. As I look back at different times in my life I’ve come to realize that we really never were meant to be alone. Adam and Eve knew it. Jesus knew it. Paul knew it. The woman at the well knew it.

I think “alone” is the scariest word in the english language. If you truly have “alone” in your life, then I bet your life feels like hell. I don’t have a lot else to say, other than relationships are the key to a full life. Without relationships, you’ll never feel at home anywhere.
God made us to interact, and to impact other’s lives.